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Christian Metal bands... do they really exsist?  The answer is yes they do, and some are really great bands that don't get the attention they deserve (like a lot of good metal).  Christian and metal are two things that some people don't think belong together, but the truth is, a lot of Christians love heavy metal.  Christian metal bands play the music they like with the message of God.  So before you throw out the chance to hear some christian metal, give them a chance...    

My site is more about secular (non-christian) music. I know that christian music doesn't have the best rap...but there are some really good christian metal bands out there that deserve a chance. Some of them you may have already heard of, so click on the link below to check them out.   

There is a lot of Christian metal bands that aren't very well known and are worth listining to.  There is a site dedicated to it, Christian Metal Distrubution ----> http://www.ultimatum.net/ultdist.html check it out. 

God Bless You.